Position Paper on Vehicle Security.
The RCAR (Research Committee for Automobile Repairs) is an international body consisting of individual national insurance research centers and repair committees concerned with motor repair research, training, and the pursuit of activities of common technical interest.
The overall objective of the Committee is to improve the level of safety, security, quality, design, and method of repair of motor vehicles in order to reduce costs to the insurance industry and to the motoring public.
At the 1993 Annual RCAR Meeting held in Munich, it was decided to issue a Positioning Paper on Vehicle Security in order to indicate to vehicle manufacturers and automobile insurance companies the Committee's stance on this important subject. It was also agreed that an RCAR Car Design Guide and Evaluation System would be issued to provide a common world wide standard that vehicle manufacturers and insurers will recognize and pursue.
With the continued and rapid increase in vehicle thefts now reaching epidemic proportions in many countries, vehicle security systems must be immediately upgraded. Otherwise individual vehicle ownership will no longer be an affordable option.
The recent experience in Australia where vehicle security systems have been improved at manufacturer level has shown that vehicle theft can be curbed.
The Research Committee for Automobile Repairs therefore adopts the following position:
1. All new vehicles be equipped immediately with factory installed electronic immobilization units which disable the engine management system, thereby preventing the operation of a vehicle without the use of the prescribed opening device.
2. The security of vehicle entry systems and ignition locks be improved to prevent the entry and starting of vehicles without the prescribed opening device.
3. Vehicle insurers should strive to structure their underwriting practices to reflect the benefits of effective vehicle security systems.
4. Encouragement should be given to policyholders to upgrade existing vehicles in order to improve security and reduce theft claims.
5. All Members of RCAR should actively promote the upgrading of vehicle security systems by vehicle manufacturers within their respective national boundaries.
Munich September 1993
Hans Gustafsson, Secretary General RCAR